Monday, October 12, 2009

Tomato Bisque soup

A few people asked me for the tomato bisque soup recipe from craft day. It's actually fairly easy.

2 cans of Campbell's tomato soup
2 regular size (8oz maybe) evaporated milk (you can use 2 cups cream too but evap. milk makes it creamy and is less fattening I use it in all my soups that call for cream to make them lower fat. You can get evap. milk in skim FYI)

1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes (I usually use Italian stewed, but any work)

1 cup fat free sour cream

about 1 cup fresh chopped basil or 2-3 tablespoons of dried basil do it to taste

for a little extra flavor you can throw in a slice or two of chopped bacon, maybe not a good idea if your going for low fat though.

put it all together stir and heat.

Hope you enjoy it!


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